OpticalSoftware.net: WinLens lens design software videos
WinLens and related programs from LINOS Photonics - has been used by lens designers and optical engineers since the early 1990’s. This website is dedicated to help new and existing users understand how to get the most out of these programs. A growing library of short video clips [screencasts] provide general overviews of the programs and also detailed discussions of particular aspects. The key pages for the programs are as follows:
- tutorials for WinLens3D
- tutorials for WinLens3D Basic free lens design program
- tutorials for GlassManager
- tutorials for Tolerancer
- tutorials for Material Editor
- tutorials for PreDesigner - free general lens calculator
- tutorials for MachVis - free machine vision lens calculator
Other resources of interest to optical designers can be found on this site.

Website: www.opticalsoftware.net
OpticalSoftware Company
Technical notes
This is a fixed width, center aligned, standards compliant & accessible website. The multi column layouts are accomplished purely with 'floats' - tables are only used for displaying information on books and similar data that should be presented in tabular form.
The main technical feature of this site is the use of large video clips for didactic purposes
The whole site is managed by the ExpressionEngine CMS, which provides automatic display of time sensitive materials etc