Exeter Young Strings - teaching violin, viola, cello & bass
Exeter Young Strings is composed of a number of talented teachers of stringed instruments [currently violin, viola and cello] in the Exeter area. Besides offering individual lessons, they also lead chamber groups. E.Y.S starts with children of 6 or younger and goes right through to grade 8.
The emphasis of E.Y.S is upon musicality; the individual lessons are essential for getting the basics right, while the players really enjoy the fun and responsibility of the chamber groups - where each member has much more significance than in a full orchestra.
Naturally, E.Y.S puts on a number of concerts and other events each year, where the groups and soloists can showcase their talents.

Website: www.exeteryoungstrings.org
Director: Kirsty Hugill
Customer's comments
As director for Exeter Young Strings I would like to say how extremely happy we all are with the new site Geoff has provided. I have had only positive feedback from our members.
In addition I have also been very impressed by the time and effort he put into understanding our requirements and how our organisation runs. Our site is eminently suitable to our needs.
Thank you Geoff.
Technical notes
The website has an elastic layout - the content will expand to shrink to fit the browser window within certain constraints.
As always the site design is determined by style sheets, while the content is managed by the ExpressionEngine CMS.
There are quite a few different site sections on widely differing matters such as public events, teachers, instruments, members page notices, blog etc. The CMS makes it very easy to setup fields that are appropriate for the section, rather then having to shoe-horn every thing into predefined fields [as is typical in many other CMS’s]