Messengers Choir
This is the website for a new gospel choir for teenagers in the Worthing, Shoreham & Brighton part of Sussex.
The site, obviously, gives key information [who, where, when] about the choir itself. Once the choir has a performance or two under its belt, we will show YouTube videos of them in full swing - for the moment we have videos of famous gospel choirs, to provide a taste of gospel music.

Director: Julia Daintree
Customer's comments
If I was given a tenner form everybody who has said our website is amazing and passed it onto you, you would be a rich man. Thanks, thanks again.
Julia xx
Technical notes
This site has a fixed width, left aligned design. The navigation is a simple list, and the site, being small, is written in static HTML/CSS.
The design was based upon a poster designed for Messengers by Karen Wells - a talented local graphic designer.
The poster gave the logo, graphic elements and the colour scheme, which were then adapted to suite the requirements of on-line display.