The Health Ministry: for osteopaths - osteopathic products/book reviews, CPD courses, forums
This site provides a much needed resource for all interested in the practise and application of the major manual therapies, Osteopathy, Physiotherapy & Chiropractic. both professional and lay. The site is run and moderated by a Registered Osteopath with over 20 years of experience. On the site there are:- Products reviews by 'The Health Minister' - site users can rate & review the products
- Book reviews by 'The Health Minister' - site users can rate & review the books
- Lists and links to relevant UK university degrees
- Forums to discuss the manual therapies
- Lists of upcoming CPD [continuing professional development] courses
- Lists of upcoming meetings [national and local]
- Blog covering matters of related interest.
Andrew Bellamy
Technical notes
This is a fixed width, center aligned, standards compliant & accessible website. The multi column layouts are accomplished purely with 'floats' - tables are only used for displaying information on books and similar data that should be presented in tabular form.
As always, this site is managed by the ExpressionEngine CMS