Violinbabies - teaching the violin to under 6's
Kay is a great cello teacher, widely recognised for her especial skills with under 6's. She has developed a widely acclaimed way of teaching stringed instruments [violin, viola & cello] to young ones, so that they not only play well, but naturally learn to read musical notation at the same time - all while having lots of fun! [very different from when I was at school]
Kay needed a site to announce the violin side of her work, to display upcoming events, to list the growing number of approved teachers and to sell teaching materials to other teachers and to parents.

Owner: Kay Tucker
Technical notes
This is a fixed width, left aligned, standards compliant & accessible website. The multi column layout on the home page is accomplished purely with 'floats' - tables are only used for displaying prices on the materials page.
The header photo is actually of one of the young violinbabies in action - the colour scheme was chosen to go with that picture.
The whole site is run by ExpressionEngine CMS, so that Kay can update the events calender and the teacher directory at her leisure. A PayPal shopping cart was used to allow for the on-line purchase of teaching materials.